Saturday, December 31, 2005

Did Eisenhower really Appoint all Knox County TN Federal Employees

My father always told me that following WWII that Eisenhower felt that the Knoxville, Tennessee area was important enough to see that all Federal Jobs were held by loyal Republicans. His example was C. Edwin Graves, who had been appointed to the job of Reginal Postmaster after only having been a Clerk at Sears Roebuck. I am sure that most people agree that Knoxville and surrounding area are rooted deeply in Republican politics. Was it always that way?

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At 10:38 PM, Blogger WOLF PACK LEDGER said...

I hope that is not true, but if it is that explains why this part of the state is more screwed up than the rest.

Please email me at would like to discuss the Berry case with you.

At 4:18 AM, Blogger smokymtnman10 said...

Let me explain what happened soon after WWII. There was much interest in continuing Oak Ridge and particularly study on Nuclear Energy as a source for not only weapons but study for peaceful purposes such as powering nuclear submarines and atomic reactors for energy production. Captain Rickover, later Admiral, had been sent to Oak Ridge at the beginning of the program in 1946. He was considered probably the most competent and innovative naval engineer of all time, but the hidebound Navy Selection Board passed him over twice for promotion in the early 1950's. He was being denied because of Republican politics. Had not Truman intervened he would have lost his Naval Career. It is evident that Oak Ridge is mainly for weapons production although they have the facilities to produce great quantities of Low Level Liquid Waste which has been studied for use in small reactors, small enough to power automobiles. There are diagrams on the wall at ORNL of a small fusion engine that may at some point be usable to power automobiles.
Anyway what I mean is that Republican politics and its insistence on producing what I might even go as far as saying our Weapons of Mass Destruction have probably been one of the paramount reasons that there has been very little study on such things as this fusion engine and other peaceful technologies, especially at Oak Ridge.

So what say ye to that.

At 2:45 PM, Blogger smokymtnman10 said...

I noticed no one has commented on my Republicans Always Right Blog...
Well here are a few more examples. Maybe I should have named this BLOG "Republicans favorite saying, Let Us Make All The Noise, It Will Soon All Blow Over"
Legislation dealing with such issues as Renewable Energy and New Environmental Technology should not be even suggested by Republicans without long standing background on such issues. And who knows any Republicans that have run and been elected on those issues.
Republicans, in my opinion, will make enough noise to make one think they are in favor of something and by the time all the debates and changing of laws and especially LOBBYING, which is the Republican's Bread and Butter the issue has been forgotten or at least been set aside for issues more dear to the Republican Legislators, mainly stuffing the pockets of themselves and their close commrades.
Let's hope that the legislation mentioned by Les Jones regarding DNA testing does not follow this course through the Tennessee Legislature.

At 10:02 AM, Blogger smokymtnman10 said...

Another example of the adage that The Republicans are Always Right?? NOT is my employment with the U.S. State Department. I began my employment under a Republican Administration back in 1972 with the U.S. State Department, U.S. Passport Office, 1425 "K" Street, and N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. There was at that time a part of the Irish Republican Army, headed by Timothy Leery (IRA) stealing unstamped U.S. Passports from the facility. I was instructed to watch for anything suspicious and report it to the head of Security. I reported several things that I can't reiterate publicly but to make a long story short the Passport Office was moved from that location back into the 21st and "C" St. building. I returned just to make sure that had happened.
I returned back to the State Department early in 1983 to work as a Diplomatic Mail and Pouch Clerk in hopes of becoming a Diplomatic Courier with my specific target the Middle East Mail route. I had a good friend who had that route and I still have the itinerary he gave me before I entered High School. I would have loved to have that position.
I began loading mail to the North African Embassies and found the work very hard; my hands cracked open and actually bled from the straps of the canvas bags being used. The bags were from CR Daniels, Rutledge, TN by the way.
I was staying with a friend of my brother, who was winding up his career as Special Agent in Charge, Washington Field Office, Department of State. The friend was with the CIA. I was doing fine staying with him and family until all heck broke loose between he and his wife Carolyn. When the pots and pans began flying I knew it was time for me to leave.
The conditions at the facility located in a large fuel holding facility near Ft. Belvoir, outside of Newington, VA was dirty and cold. There was new X-ray equipment that was not being used and had dust covering them.
The diplomatic mail was supposed to be personal mail to folks, American State Dept. personnel, working overseas. My line was the Wednesday line and was most of the Middle and Northern African Embassies.
I told myself if I did get the job that someday I would do something for these people, most who had been there for years and years. They knew I was only there until my clearance was finished and at first resented me, then as they saw how hard I worked, loading a full trailer load of mail a week they began to accept me.
I was called to the mail State Dept. Bldg, Foggy Bottom, in the summer of 1983 and "grilled", not by one or two agents but by three with shades drawn. The outcome was not what I had hoped. I felt that my clearance was in jeopardy at that point and decided to at least let someone know how deplorable the working conditions were at that facility and how unsafe and unsecured the facility seemed.
I went through what I thought was proper procedure and filed a slew of paperwork with the Office of Security and Personnel. I was reprimanded for going through improper channels. The head of the Diplomatic Mail and Pouch Center at that time. John W.S. Channell did give me his highest recommendations but only after I left in late November 1983.
I at the same time was following events in the Middle East since that was my goal, to be a Courier in that region. I became very unnerved when I saw the then Republican Administrations use of our military, mainly U.S. Marines, as a force, unprotected to many long time Marines, as part of a multinational force.
I had a strong advocate for myself in the U.S. Senate at that time, Senator Jim Sasser, who had recommended me in 1979 as a candidate for Officers Training U.S. Air Force, and had supported me with my quest to become a Courier. I also though wanted both sides of the story so I was in constant touch with Senator Howard H. Baker's office.
I wanted his reasons for what was being called by many in the media a very dangerous position with our military.
Senator Baker took the time to write me at my residence in Burke, Va. this long letter supporting his position for sponsoring a resolution in the Senate in support of our Multinational Force. Sad to say we know what happened then.
I was able to attend the memorial for the Embassy Personnel killed in the "Beirut Embassy Bombing", at the National Cathedral. And before I left the mail facility was seeing all the Christmas mail for the Beirut Embassy personnel pile up on the back wall. I wanted to stay and help but was informed my temporary contract had been terminated. I kept all the paper work on that brief encounter and hope someday to let some see just how wrong the situations at that time were for me to continue.
Yes, my friends it is true, your vote counts so let's us loyal Democrates make sure that in 2008 there aren't any "hanging chads", to interfere with this being at least a two party system.

At 8:13 AM, Blogger smokymtnman10 said...

I am definately find more and more people who agree with this supposition. Here are a few links to sites with this same title:

The Next Hurrah: Republicans Are Always Right, Even About Torture

Republicans Are Always Right: [Archive] - Pueblo Community Forums

The Daily Bruin - Don’t question Republicans, they’re always right

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Vince Palamara said...

thank you so much for your comments on my blogs :)

vince palamara

At 2:20 PM, Blogger smokymtnman10 said...

Even President Barak Obama will not step foot across the East Tennessee State Line. He visits Bristol, Virginia but will not visit East Tennessee.
I have heard stories about what may be the reason. Even the so called "Blue Dog" Democrats are more Republican than Democrat.
Have you noticed?


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